Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred & Twenty Six

What comes to mind when you see the color orange?
I would like to say that it reminds me of a beautiful sunset but instead probably a phase I went through in my college years when it was my favorite color. I had orange everything.

Did you ever get in trouble while you were in school? If so, what was it for?
I can remember a few times that I got into trouble. Nothing serious but always for talking. Imagine that...

Which topping(s) make up your perfect pizza?
I usually prefer pepperoni pizza and sometimes with mushrooms. Every now and then, veggetarian pizza.

Main Course
Do you believe in UFOs/aliens/etc.? Why or why not?
When I was younger I definitley believed. Now, I definitely lean towards not believing in aliens or UFOs.

What color is your bedspread/comforter/quilt?
My bed is my favorite subject. I have a down comforter with a brown duvet cover. It is, perhaps, the best part of my bed.


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