Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wine, Cheese and Stench

I never thought cheese would make me want to vomit. Tonight I went out with Alison to celebrate her birthday. We got a cheese flight and all I can say is that I didn't care for most of what was entitled, "6 Cheeses You Can't Live Without." Hmm...but one in particular was so rancid we had to cover it with a dish and eventually ask for it to be removed. So my love for cheese does, indeed, know bounds...seems I learn something new about myself all the time. Other than that, it was a lovely evening. Happy Birthday, Alison!


Anonymous said...

I searched a long time for the festering site of a departed rat. Found it in the frig, a recent purchase at the snooty cheese store. Beth gave me my money back, said it wasn't the cheese for me, it was still coming into it's cheesy glory. jim

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