Monday, January 11, 2010

Home again

Joe and I arrived home last night after a wonderful weekend trip to the Pacific Northwest to visit his family.

On Wednesday afternoon, after hearing the weather reports for the next day, I tried getting us on a plane that evening but they were sold out. In retrospect, showing up and trying to fly standby might have been a good bet. As I had feared, our flight first thing on Thursday was cancelled. In fact, most flights were cancelled but I finally found one to Seattle, via Kansas City, to leave about 5 hours after our originally scheduled flight. There was a brief window of opportunity for us to take off before the weather resumed giving everyone trouble. The weather was causing flight delays just about everywhere so thankfully our connecting flight was delayed, too, since we got there 45 min after it was supposed to depart. When we landed, the other plan was all boarded and they were holding the plane for us (and a few others from our flight) so that we were able to make it after all. Since we were the last ones on the plane, we didn't get to sit together. I won't go into our flight to Seattle except to say the gentleman I did sit with was completely obnoxious and terribly over-served. Ugh. Longest four hours ever.

This was what the runway looked like on Thursday just before our take-off.

Joe posing in front of an amazing backdrop!

On Saturday the entire family (minus grandma) went on an ocean-view hike.

I made it to the end of the trail! Thanks to everyone for such a great weekend.


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