What a great weekend! It started out with me getting to have dinner with a friend and fellow former-Columbian, Meggan. It is always so much fun to have visitors here even if it's just a dinner date.
Last night Joe and I went to the Lyric Opera to see Elixir of Love. This was our first time at the opera and I'm happy to report that we both had a lot of fun. Prior to last night, my only point of reference for the opera consisted of the opera scene in Pretty Woman. We arrived early enough to have a light meal at the bistro inside the opera house and then went to the pre-show seminar. At the seminar they discussed the story, music and history of the production. I was glad that the show we saw was fun and light-hearted and so easy to follow.
Now I am debating homework or further procrastination...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Elixir of Love
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5:26 PM
Saturday, January 23, 2010
I might be crazy
Today my husband invited me to hang out with him and a couple of his friends. They were going to a record shop (vinyl only) and then out for hot dogs. I declined. I just didn't think it sounded like a very "Amy" afternoon. And, besides, I had some studying to do. After much persuading, I finally decided to go. After the record shop we went to Hot Dougs. It is a true Chicago experience but we almost skipped it entirely when we noticed the line went around the block. It was cold outside and I wasn't wearing my heaviest coat. I stood in line with the guys and then I sat in the car for awhile and then I stood in line some more. Finally, we made it inside - a full hour and forty minutes later! After that wait, I wasn't going to just have one hot dog so I had a corn dog and a chili cheese dog. My husband had Chicago dog and a bacon cheddar elk sausage dog. We also had duck fat fries. I am not sure about the hour and forty wait but it was a fun experience. And it's true - I ate today at a place known as the "sausage superstore and encased meat emporium." Nice.
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5:18 PM
Friday, January 15, 2010
Back to school
Monday I started school again after graduating 10 years ago (gasp) to work on my MBA. Many people have asked how my first week went. Let me just say that I am feeling pretty old right about now. Ten years ago we didn't use "Blackboard" to get homework assignments, check on our grades, etc. I also spent more for textbooks for two classes (for a quarter, not a semester) than I would have spent for five classes back in the day. And I hope I can get used to studying again. After my first class on Monday, someone sitting next to me stopped me before I left and asked me about the homework assignment while our teacher was still there. Then the person in front of me turned around and asked me another question. Um, I'm pretty sure these people are asking the WRONG person. I am, by no means, the expert here. The hope is that I can get into the groove soon...and the other hope is that I can get a B or better in Statistics.
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4:49 PM
Monday, January 11, 2010
Home again
Joe and I arrived home last night after a wonderful weekend trip to the Pacific Northwest to visit his family.
On Wednesday afternoon, after hearing the weather reports for the next day, I tried getting us on a plane that evening but they were sold out. In retrospect, showing up and trying to fly standby might have been a good bet. As I had feared, our flight first thing on Thursday was cancelled. In fact, most flights were cancelled but I finally found one to Seattle, via Kansas City, to leave about 5 hours after our originally scheduled flight. There was a brief window of opportunity for us to take off before the weather resumed giving everyone trouble. The weather was causing flight delays just about everywhere so thankfully our connecting flight was delayed, too, since we got there 45 min after it was supposed to depart. When we landed, the other plan was all boarded and they were holding the plane for us (and a few others from our flight) so that we were able to make it after all. Since we were the last ones on the plane, we didn't get to sit together. I won't go into our flight to Seattle except to say the gentleman I did sit with was completely obnoxious and terribly over-served. Ugh. Longest four hours ever.

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5:04 PM
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Best week ever
My husband has been off work since Christmas Eve Day and goes back to work tomorrow. This is the longest time off work he's had since he was 23 (yes, he really is a workaholic) and the most time we've spent together with nothing to do. In addition to the ice skating, we've gone to a couple of movies, gone out to eat a couple times, hung out in bookstores, walked aimlessly around Whole Foods, taken the dogs to the dog park, taken lots of naps, took a car load to Goodwill and have been amidst a 30 Rock marathon most of the week. I love it! Tomorrow I'm back to my regular desperate housewife status and routine before our next big adventure to the Pacific Northwest this weekend...and I start graduate school next week. Gasp.
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12:56 PM