Monday, August 02, 2010


Joe and I traveled to Missouri on Friday to meet our new niece and visit my family. It was a short trip as we left Sunday morning to come back but we had a nice time. Saturday we were able to go visit my grandma and took her to the "Old Settlers" parade which turned out to be a lot more fun than I had anticipated. (To clarify, I thought spending time with my grandma would be fun but had doubts about the parade.) While at the parade, Joe had his first ever deep fried Twinkie - it was love at first bite.


prettykitty03 said...

Aren't they adorable!! Deep fried Twinkie? I can't imagine... :)

Amy said...

Thanks, Laura. I had one bite of the Twinkie but it was hard to really assess in just one bite. Joe likened it to a warm vanilla cake with warm icing.

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