Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The procrastinator

I am a procrastinator. I know some people will say it's silly to claim to work better under pressure but I think it's true. When I am completely stressed and frazzled, I can typically crank out some good work, although I am usually a mess while doing it. I currently have a paper due that will be about 40 pages once it is completed. Since our class is 10 weeks long, we had exactly 2 months from the date we got the assignment until the date it is due. I took one month to really think about it, stress over it and ignore it completely while focusing instead on papers and homework from my other class. Yesterday I finally hit the library as we need 8-10 research articles for the paper, too. I am not sure that working on an assignment a month out is procrastination but it might be when the assignment is almost 40 pages long! I left the library with four of my articles and a partial outline for my paper. After talking to some other people in my class last night, I actually feel like I might be a little ahead of the game or right on schedule...we will see how much I put off doing between now and the deadline.


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