Monday, April 14, 2008

Counting sheep

I don't sleep well. I am a very light sleeper so the softest noises awaken me. Most nights I toss and turn and will wake up several times. And when I'm visiting somewhere or in a strange place I almost never sleep much. The worst nights for me are usually on Sundays. I think it has something to do with going to bed later on Friday and Saturday and so by the time Sunday rolls around my body doesn't want any part of sleeping at my "normal" bedtime. Last night, I was sound asleep when I was jolted out of bed at 3 am by my telephone ringing. It's always alarming to be woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call. I'd only been asleep for about three hours but now my heart was racing. The phone call? It was a wrong number. (And out of habit I usually silence my phone before bed.) Needless to say, I spent the rest of the night tossing, turning and wide awake. My mind was racing with other thoughts for the week. I'm tired of always coming to work tired. I've tried just about everything...warm baths, hot tea, reading. Joe suggested I try earplugs but I'm not sure how I could sleep with something in my ears. Do you have a bedtime routine? How do you sleep well?


Alison said...

I think we were twins last night...except for getting woken up by a 3 am wrong number, i was woken up by a roommate getting up uber-early to observe at a school. I do wear earplugs, but didn't put them in last night. It took some getting used to, but was so worth it. If you do buy some, start with the Pretty in Pink ear plugs. They are much softer, and smaller, to fit a woman's ears. You can buy them just about anywhere: Walmart, Walgreens, etc.

Anonymous said...

Tylenol PM! I don't take it regularly but on a particularly bad night it helps.

Tiffany said...

Unfortunately, I don't have any advice for you. I usually do ok at getting to sleep. But, I often wake up around 4 or 5 and all of the things of the day/week start running through my head and I can't get back to sleep. Good luck!

Jeni said...

I struggle with the same sleep problems. That, coupled with a neighbor who has 9 (9!) outside dogs, means that most nights I don't sleep well.

Just last week, I brought a big fan into our bedroom & turned it on at bedtime. The white noise is fantastic! It doesn't completely cover up the stupid barking, but it means that once I get to sleep, I stay asleep longer.

J. said...

On the upside, you are no longer stuck with that terrible cold.

Anonymous said...

The current issue of Real Simple magazine has an article about sleep in it. White noise helps me with my snoring hubby. I have tried ear plugs but they usually end up flung all over the room by morning. You can always ask for a scrip for Ambien or Ambien CR but you might be on it for life. Some people have luck with Melatonin from a health food store.


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