Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred and Thirty Four

What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be different?
For the most part, I'm in bed around 11 pm. I usually watch Showbiz Tonight in bed from 10-11 pm. Sometimes I wish I were in bed earlier. Usually it's when my alarm's going off and I'm still tired.

When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?
I think lately I've probably received more advice than I've given.

Describe a memorable meal you've had.
My memory is really bad so I'll explain the most recent memorable meal that I have had. Wednesdsay night, Meagan came over for dinner and we had bacon meatloaf and cheesy potatoes from Super Suppers. It was awesome. I actually cleaned off my table and lit some candles so that we could have an enjoyable meal.

Main Course
Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.
"I Know This Much Is True" by Wally Lamb really stayed with me. The book is about two twin brothers and one is mentally ill.

What is your favorite type of fruit juice?
Orange juice


Alison said...

Your super suppers sounds fun. =) (Pardon the alliteration. Or is it illiteration?)

I'm glad you and Meagen got to squeeze in a date night! =) Love you Meags!

Nichole said...

I've always loved the name of that book.

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