Friday, November 14, 2008

Just something to think about

Nichole shared this, What I'd Like for You to Know link today from Rocks in My Dryer. After reading it I had to share it, too. While it's true that I'm married, I am a newlywed and still can identify strongly with what the blog says. I got married a month and a half shy of my thirty-first birthday and spent most of my adult life thus far without a significant other. Even when Joe and I were dating and engaged we spent most of that time six hours apart. No, I wasn't longing for motherhood but could relate on so many other levels. Yes, I've heard the "What's wrong with you?" or "You must be picky." I remember being told once, "You go out too much" as if that was such a horrible thing. Without the movies, concerts and dinners with my friends I would just be home alone. All by myself. And after those two-hour movies, concerts or dinners I was alone enough - most of the time. I have been so lucky to have amazing friends who let me tag along with them and their husbands/boyfriends/kids, blessed to have other awesome single girlfriends and just awesome friends in general. (You know who you are.) Anyway, my point is, I really hope everyone reads this blog. I found it very touching and true.


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