Sunday, December 16, 2007

The skinny on Kenny

Joe thinks this is not something I should admit to other people but I'm going to do it. I like Kenny G.

It all started when I was in high school and my yearbook teacher would play Kenny G nonstop. Now you'd think that would make my friends and I wince but I'll remind you, the class was an hour long. We were cool with listening to Kenny for an hour every day and before long we were singing and humming along and really enjoying it (or maybe that was just me?). When the next school year came around, my teacher had new cds but we were still fond of Kenny. I don't know about my other classmates (except for Amber because she's right there with me) but my fondness of Kenny continues today all because of dear Mrs. Brown.

Anyway, Kenny was here tonight for a concert and, of course, I had to go. I pursuaded Monica to attend with me. Kenny started off the show by entering from the back of the auditorium. We had aisle seats. Kenny stopped right at Monica and thrust his saxaphone in her face. The expression she was wearing was priceless. I erupted into laughter. I couldn't contain myself. I am still embarrassed by how rude that probably seemed to Kenny but just seeing him lock eyes with Monica and start playing to her...I can't even describe it without wanting to laugh all over again.

It was a nice show and I was totally impressed by his band. Each one of them had incredible talents and with the exception of one drummer they'd all been playing with him for decades which says a lot, too. My final thought for the evening - Kenny is so incredibly skinny.


Nichole said...

Somehow, I'm not surprised that you've been harboring a secret love for Kenny G. (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)* I love that he stopped and played to Monica. Hilarious.

* That was a "Seinfeld" reference. I know you love them.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget the sheer horror of feeling the warmth of Kenny G's body 'RIGHT THERE'.

Anonymous said...

This is all a bad dream. Just a bad dream.

Coach T said...

So, THAT is why you weren't at small group. We missed you!

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