Friday, February 09, 2007

Friday's Feast

Feast One Hundred & Thirty

Have you been sick yet this winter? If so, what did you come down with?
I've had a couple of minor battles but nothing worth talking about.

What colors dominate your closet?
Black, brown and tourquise

How would you describe your personal "comfort zone"?
My apartment, my bed, my couch - that's my comfort zone

Main Course
On which reality show would you really like to be a contestant?
I admit to watching bizarre reality shows but I can't believe that I'd really want to be on one. If I had to pick it would probably be The Bachelor.

Which holiday would you consider to be your favorite?
Christmas. I love the parties, the giving and the excitement of being at home with my family for a few days.


BexInTheCity said...

i stole your answer for the favorite holiday one

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